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The Quest for the Ultimate Push Block

On his quest for the ultimate push block, Jonathan Salisbury takes a look at the three Milescraft Grabbers.

here’s nothing particularly complex about a push block; they can be as simple as a flat piece of wood with a handle on top and a small batten glued to the end, which hooks over the edge of the timber. If the batten is omitted, the under-surface has to grip, otherwise it slip s and can’t be relied on to guide the timber over the planer blade or router cutter, or through the bandsaw. They can be easily made at home, and for a long time I only used one s that I, or a colleague, had created.

The advantage of buying a push bloc k is, of course, that the work has been don e for you – both in design terms as well as manufacturing. The materials used enhance the function and comfort and mean that more time can be spent on other project s.

They also provide advantageous feature s that would be more difficult and time-consuming to replicate in the home workshop.

A recent conversation with Wood Workers Workshop about the best push block led to the suggestion that I look at the Milescraft range. I was sent three to try out as part of my search for the best combination o f features and low cost.

Click here to download the full review

Milescraft Grabber Push Block
Milescraft GrabberPLUS Push Block
Milescraft GrabberPRO Push Block

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