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Peter Sefton Fine Furniture Making Series
Peter Sefton is the owner of Wood Workers Workshop and is an award winning Master Craftsman and Commercial Designer Maker with 35 years’ experience in bespoke furniture making. With our partners at Artisan Media, Peter brings his fine furniture making knowledge to a series of DVD's and Digital Downloads to share with everyone.One of only 300 Liverymen of the Worshipful Company …
Fine furniture making – covered
These two volumes from Peter Sefton’s new Fine Furniture Making DVD range are very well produced and the professional and authoritative delivery instils the viewer with confidence throughout. As part of a five volume series (Series 1), I selected these two as they cover similar areas to the David Charlesworth DVDs I reviewed back in GW320. There are certain similarities …
Louis Kwok – The Woodworker
Louis Kwok pursued a craft that many consider a “sunset industry” – even local wood suppliers advised that there was no future in woodworking. This is his story.The Prima Donna Life - The Woodworker from The Prima Donna Life on Vimeo.It started out as a hobby, but with a deep love for wood as a material woodworking quickly became Louis Kwok’s passion and calling. Although he pu …
A Versatile Clamping Solution
Reviewed and written by Good Woodworking MagazineDesigned to hold parts, jigs and fences without being in the way, these versatile dovetail clamps can be easily adapted to suit a wide range of tasks.By a simple adaptation of the humble ‘F’ clamp, these Matchfit clamps offer a very adaptable and versatile solution. Making a dovetail slot into any timber, MDF or ply with a standa …
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